Safeguarding Policy

At Luqman Academy, we are committed to the safety and protection every child. Our policy is aimed to ensure that appropriate action is taken in a timely manner to safeguard and promote children’s welfare, all staff are aware of their statutory responsibilities with respect to safeguarding and they are are properly trained in recognising and reporting safeguarding issues. While safeguarding is the responsibility of all staff, the Academy has constituted a vibrant team headed by Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), Ms Samsam Jama.

This policy is based on the Department for Education’s statutory guidance Keeping Children Safe in Education (2023) and Working Together to Safeguard Children (2018), and the Governance Handbook. We comply with this guidance and the arrangements agreed and published by our 3 local safeguarding partners.

The policy document and important contacts can be downloaded below here through this link –